Home Loan Health Check
Does Your Home Loan Need A Health Check?
If you do not service your home loan regularly in the same way you service your car, you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of savings.
Spending just 20 minutes at least once a year to research what other offers exist, could save you thousands of dollars to enjoy later in life, or at the very least, offer you peace of mind that your existing home loan is working well for you.
Refinancing your home loan is often a very simple process and the thousands of dollars of potential savings are well worth the effort.
The review is simple... Ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I paying an unreasonably high interest rate?
- Am I paying high yearly fees?
- Am I frustrated by inadequate service?
- Does my loan give me the features I need or want?
- Am I paying for features I don't use?
- Have my financial circumstances changed?
With interest rates at their lowest for more than 50 years, there are some great deals available.
For those wishing to keep making the same monthly repayments, you could pay your home loan off sooner thanks to the lower interest rates.
Often, you'll find that you don't even have to move Lenders. Your current Lender may have a great new Product that suits your needs. We may even be able to negotiate a discount on your existing Product.
Best of all, we will do all the work for you. We will shop your Loan around to the 40+ Lenders in our panel.
All you have to do to start the process is complete the form!
Home Loan Review Checklist
Home Loan Health Check
Complete the form and we'll see if we can find a more suitable Loan product... We will start by looking at your current Lender to minimise the headaches of moving.
While completing the form, please include the following details about your current financial situation:
- Current value of your property portfolio
- Current Lenders
- Are your loans variable, fixed or both
- Current repayment type Principal & Interest or Interest Only
- Things you like about your current Products / Lenders
- Things you don't like about your current Products / Lenders
- Your goals e.g. to buy more properties, renovate, consolidate your debts
- Any changes in your circumstances
It should not take you more than a couple of minutes to tell us about your current situation and what you want to do.
Once you've submitted the form, one of OneSite's Mortgage Brokers will contact you to schedule an quick 15 minute call to start the review process.